Installing a UPS System

UPS Installation When you have made the decision to give protection your IT facility via a UPS system, there are

UPS Installation

When you have made the decision to give protection your IT facility via a UPS system, there are a number of essential steps involved.  These steps will ensure the UPS is installed with the least disruption and performs to your required expectations. This article focuses on the practical side of the process such as: bringing the system into your facility, installing the equipment, and starting it up.

The process starts with the delivery arrangements. This will include:

  • How the system will be transported to your location?
  • Is there a suitable UPS installation position at your location?
  • Can the UPS fit within the space you intend for it?

You need to be aware that a UPS with batteries is heavy but, they also contain sensitive electronic equipment. This means the need of expert contractors who can comply with manufacturers’ recommended handling procedures.

Upon arrival at your site the team will expect to have available a ready prepared space where it can fit and can safely bear the weight of the equipment.  This location needs to allow for humidity and temperature to be maintained within the specifications of the UPS supplier. Further the effect on exiting air conditioning of the UPS needs to be allowed for. In addition, there must be sufficient space for the batteries and associated switchgear. The space provision needs to extend to the area surrounding the equipment to allow for maintenance. It is also wise to allow for additional space for expansion in the future.

When you have the UPS system installed it must be connected to the power distribution system of your facility. Please note that small to medium UPSs tend to have a bottom cable entry point for the input / output AC cables as well as the battery DC cables. Dependent upon the space allocated this can be worked by use of a cable trench within the floor or mounting of the UPS on a steel plinth that is sufficient in order to allow the necessary radius of cable bend.  If the UPS is being installed into a purpose-built computer area, there is likely to be a suspended floor in order to allow for power cabling and network cabling. If this is the case the equipment and batteries are likely to need to be mounted on stands in order to carry the weight.

Where a large UPS is concerned cable entry at the top is likely. This entry point being needed to allow for the larger power cabling bend radius. It is also therefore necessary for an overhead cable containment system to support the cabling.

The installing of a UPS is a very specialist task and should very much only be undertaken by an experienced and specialist electrical contractor. The installation of the UPS needs to be completed strictly to the instructions of the supplier. It must also be done in compliance with any local and national electrical installation regulations.

It is important to note that a significant amount of future time and funds are able to be saved by making sure that the electrical installation is able to manage increased loading caused by expansion of the business and increased IT capacity.

It is recommended that when connecting to the load radial wiring is used so each device has its own circuit breaker, rather than using ring wiring. This approach means that a device fault will only trip the local breaker, so not causing a power loss over a larger part of the distribution network.

So that the UPS can be isolated both electrically and physically to avoid a disturbance to the load during maintenance or upgrade type works an external bypass switch should be provide for the UPS.

It is paramount for the safety of your personnel and the equipment that correct earthing is completed. Therefore, within the system all the earthing points need to be connected to a planned and secured earthing installation.

Your UPS installation should complete with a detailed commissioning procedure being completed by the technician. This will incorporate:

  • A full check of facilities on the system and its options
  • Environmental conditions acceptance
  • Serial number registration
  • Initiation of any warranty cover
  • Where necessary user training in the operation of the UPS.
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