Case Study

UK Liquid Products, Abbey Logistics site, Full Electrical Package & LED Lighting Upgrade – Decarbonisation

May 20, 2024

Introduction –

UK Liquid Products is situated on the Abbey Logistics dock road site in Liverpool. They are a specialist waste oil collection & recycling plant. Operating in shifts 24 hours a day to process and recycle waste oil products.

The project –

The project involved reestablishing a disused building held by Abbey Logistics on their dock road site in Liverpool, a complete re design of the existing redundant lighting system, alongside a
complete factory fit out of power distribution, lighting & small power works, CCTV, fire alarm system & emergency lighting to house UK Liquid Products new base.

The Projects initial stage was to remove and make safe all the inherited electrical system in place this included a complete strip out of all the old redundant lighting & power across the site leaving it safe and ready for the structural works to be completed by another contractor.

Upon completion of the structural works, we were tasked with installing a new containment system to suit the clients needs moving forwards, this included: Perforated Tray & Conduit systems to house the new electrical installation. Design at this stage was important due to the nature of the works carried out by UK Liquid Products. Special attention was given to the design and equipment selection due to the handling of highly flammable and dangerous liquids and substances on site. Ensuring the safety of both the installation team and future operating staff was paramount.

Once the containment package was complete we completed all the wiring systems this was a varied range of power distribution and small power, special attention was taken when designing the installation and the selection of equipment due to the nature of the works carried out on the site and the housing of highly flammable and dangerous liquids and substances, it was paramount that the safety of both the installation team & any ongoing operating staff were taken into consideration when completing any works.

A key aspect of the project was installing one of Europe’s largest commercial ovens, designed to break down solid oil-based products into recyclable material, enabling UK Liquid Products to remove contaminants efficiently. We works alongside the manufacturers of the oven to not only supply the power but install the controls and safety features involved in the project.

Overall the project has been a huge success in not only providing UK Liquid Products a safe and efficient working location to base there business’s from but also reducing the companies carbon footprint.

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Company Number : 10636821. VAT Number : GB-393419178